Duke - 12 weeks old

1. Duke will be three months old on Monday! Can you believe it?! He’s getting much bigger; I can barely pick him up anymore. So sad! He’s got such a cute personality, and he and Einstein continue to be great playmates.

2. Tomorrow we are throwing a party here at our house to celebrate our wedding! We invited some family and friends over for a casual get-together since we got married on the beach in Florida. No, I did not bake my own wedding cake (but we are getting one!) and yes, we are having a cookie table. Photos to come!

3. I’m loving this list of wardrobe essentials by StitchFix. I might need to go shopping! What do you consider must-haves in your closet?

4. My husband saw this workout tweeted by Gary Player last week…

Wake Up! & Make It Happen Workout

I’ve done it a handful of time and it’s hard. It says for beginners to do three sets, but I could only do one, and had to take a break during some of the exercises. The morning after I did this the first time I was incredibly sore. That makes me feel like I actually did something. It’s a quick workout that I’ve been doing before I hop in the shower. Anything to get moving!

5. Speaking of getting moving, we just had a new treadmill delivered this week and it’s all sorts of awesome. Do any of you use iFit? Any tips on creating workouts or finding cool ones? I’m loving it!

6. Having a puppy that’s still getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom every night makes me feel like this every.single.day.


7. I would love to wake up and have tomorrow be Monday. Why, you ask? Because I’m getting all new kitchen appliances! It’s like Christmas… in September! I can’t wait to show them to you once they’re all in. This has been on my to-do list since we bought the house back in May, so I am extremely giddy that the day is finally (almost) here!

8. One week from tonight… hockey is back! I can’t wait to walk into that chilly arena and hear skates cutting through ice. I’m excited to get back into my soft pretzel and diet soda routine ;-)

9. So, my husband love, love, loooooooves soggy cereal. As in, he fills his bowl with cereal, drowns it in milk, and then lets it sit on the counter for like 10 minutes until it is complete mush. He claims it’s the best thing in the world. I claim it’s awful; I love crispy, crunchy cereal. Is this a gender thing? Or just a personal preference? I’m so perplexed about this desire for mushy Raisin Bran!

10. TGIF! Here’s to lounging with best friends (poor Einstein!) :)

Duke & Einstein hanging in the kitchen