Our little Michelin man…

Joseph David - 5.5 months! | browneyedbaker.com

1. Joseph is going to be six months old next weekend… what?! Where did all of those minutes and hours and days go?? On the one hand it’s so exciting to see him grow and learn and develop a personality, but at the same time, I still wish I could go back and do it all over again. I’m sure I’ll feel like this for the next… forever?

2. Now that Joseph is doing a lot more playing, I’d love to hear your suggestions for good toys for 6-month olds… we have a few, but I’d like to pick up a couple of new things to keep him interested.

3. I’m not sure what it’s been like in your neck of the woods, but the weather in Pittsburgh has been absolutely wretched lately! It’s been raining almost non-stop, although I don’t mind that we haven’t really had any days hotter than the mid-80’s.

4. Thank you all for the recommendations for a cross-body bag… I ordered one from Timbuk2, and will definitely let you know how I like it!

5. This has to be the most comprehensive stain removal chart I’ve ever seen… I bookmarked it immediately!

6. I haven’t had any caffeine since the month before I got pregnant with Joseph, which was a year and 4 months ago… I have been doing fine without it, but lately I’ve been craving a huge fountain Diet Coke.

7. I love this list of 10 Houseplants That Clean Indoor Air – I might need to add a few as we start decorating!

8. Have you watched any of Wimbledon? It’s one of my favorite sporting events to watch… the grass, the all-white, it’s awesome.

9. The rest of our TV watching is pretty sparse since it’s summer… we’ve picked back up with Tyrant, which is okay, and we’ve been watching a lot of baseball games. We still need to watch Season 3 of House of Cards, although I’m less than enthused since every single review I’ve heard has been mediocre at best.

10. TGIF! I hope you have a snuggly weekend!

Einstein and Duke snuggles | browneyedbaker.com