1. We have been on a serious illness bender here, ugh! Joseph and my husband have not been sick, but Dominic, Isabelle and I have sure made up for it. Those two have had chest coughs and runny noses for over a week and a half now, and on top of that, last weekend Dominic started running a fever along with a mild tummy bug, both of which took about three days to finally resolve. I started with a sore throat and aches on Sunday and by Monday at dinner, I had absolutely no voice. Totally gone. It finally came back on Wednesday morning, but I’m left with the bad chest cough and runny nose, thanks kids! 😜

2. Needless to say, there has been A LOT of couch time recently. Judith is such a good snuggler :)

3. Joseph has become such an eager and ferocious learner and it is such an absolute joy to witness. He spends tons of time writing letters, writing names he knows, and he’s begun copying words from picture board books, as well. When we sit at his allergist appointments every two weeks, he asks for paper and crayons and writes all of the words and names that he knows. He’s begun pointing out words in books and watching him light up when he masters something is just the best.

4. Do you remember me telling you about the Instagram account Cake by Courtney a few months ago? Her cakes are GORGEOUS! And I just found out she’s launching an online course for baking and decorating beautiful cakes; this is one I definitely want to sign up for!

5. Let’s discuss this list of The 17 Best Classic Christmas Movies… I have only seen A Charlie Brown Christmas (of course) and How the Grich Stole Christmas (naturally). Apparently, I have some work to do over the next five weeks!

6. Are you doing any Christmas baking yet? My peanut butter fudge recipe has been going bananas!

7. Good read! >> 15 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Started Cooking

8. I love the idea of easing into a new week relaxing and ready! >> 7 Sunday Rituals to Set You Up For a Really Good Week

9. Do you decorate gingerbread houses? Sally’s tutorial last year totally inspired me and I think the boys might love it, but it still seems like so much work!

10. TGIF! Cuddlebug alert!